
27 December 2008

In the Valley

Reiki has been a wonderful journey since the very beginning.

My spontaneous Reiki healing fueled my desire to learn as much as I could and as quickly as possible.

I had no idea where to go or who to turn to in order to find a Reiki teacher in my locale.

While at the Free Spirit Alliance festival I experienced my first in person Reiki demonstration by a Reiki master practitioner by the name of Robert. He put his hands on either side of my head and held them there for a few moments. What followed was an intense warming of the area around my head. This warming was somewhat of a pulsing...I termed it a brain massage. It felt as though my brain was being massaged with hands of love. It was an incredible sensation. I felt nothing but love and kindness.

He told me that he had always had a natural healing ability but that Reiki, which he learned from his wife Lynda, had amped up his ability.

Within moments of this lovely demonstration in walked Rachel who joined the conversation and subsequently offered to attune me to Reiki 1.

The rest is history.

Reiki has helped to bring much balance into this Libra woman's life. Before that I would teeter back and forth between my dangling scales...since Reiki practice I have become just a bit more grounded and centered.

In everything I do, especially critical in the beginning, my first thought would automatically be: "How would my reaction in this situation cause me to be a worthy channel of Reiki healing?"

This automatic thought would helped to center me and encourage me to think from a more emotional/rational point of view than from an emotional/irrational point of view.

My Reiki path has caused me to regain a lot of my unconditional love and compassion that I felt I had lost during the trials and tribulations of my life. It has helped to remind me of who I was/am all along.

I definitely consider Reiki to be an important Key to the Kingdom that is within. That place of pure and perfect peace (shalom/shalem) that serves as our connection to the One-ness and Unity of All.

Reiki has been away for me to transcend.

Yes, I have my mountains and my valleys. Times when I feel very attuned and times when I feel less. But those times when I feel less in the back of my mind I know that it will not last and I must continue onward paying it forward and being a blessing to someone, share the gift of Reiki with them. For me that simply means helping them to become centered and balance. The Source of Life extends to us a key/ki that gives us a tangible way of bringing balance so that we may be a blessing not only to ourselves but to others.

People say that Usui Reiki is not a religion. Religion by definition binds. The knowledge of Reiki is a path of spiritual freedom.


  1. Shalom, my sister. You say, "I definitely consider Reiki to be an important Key to the Kingdom that is within. That place of pure and perfect peace (shalom/shalem) that serves as our connection to the One-ness and Unity of All."

    Could it be that this "connection" is a "binding" and that--instead of running counter to "re-ligion" (binding back)--that you are finding your binding in Reiki?

    My intent is not to argue the point. It is just that I cringe when I see dissent in the family...

  2. I don't know much about Reiki, but I do believe in universal energy, staying centered, and stay in the present. Reading your most reminded me that I am currently not centered and need to find my way back. Thank you.

  3. "How would my reaction in this situation cause me to be a worthy channel of Reiki healing?"

    Wow! That is such a beautiful thought. I am going to borrow it and try to live my life in the same way.
    Thank you for such an inspiring post.

    I am TCStaples of Twitter and found this post through your tweet.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I am a seeker and I can not wait to be able to call myself a practitioner and one day, a master. I'm glad we "met".

  5. Thank you, everyone, who has taken time not only to read my thoughts but to comment.

    You are much appreciated.

    The practice of Reiki healing is a path that has different meanings for different people. And I share here what the practice of Reiki has meant and does mean in my life.

    It is not a stagnant path but it see it is ever evolving for me.

    Reiki practice is Universal yet at the same time it is very personal.

    There are standard hand positions and standard precepts and standard symbols but how one perceives Reiki is personal.

    That is my opinion. And all though I may share Reiki facts here I definitely share my opinions and my point of view on my Reiki path.

    I invite you to form your own.


  6. I love the honest and Earthy way you write! I am honored to share your words and your experiences through them. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to hear more from you! ;O)
